5 Reasons Why Winter Sessions are Magical

Winter Family

1. Atmosphere

A family is a close-knit bunch, and winter photos emphasize that coziness! What better way to see the essence of a family than to have them huddled close and laughing. Festive scarves, furry coats, and fuzzy mittens all contribute to that warm-fuzzy feel in a wintery print.

Winter can also help make a photo shoot playful, dramatic, or simply magical.

KidsSnow-242. Pop of Color

Colors that would normally be lost in a fall or summer background suddenly present a unique vibrancy in the crispness of winter. Whether the woodsy outdoors is an array of grey and brown or is sprinkled in white, a red jacket and hat is sure to pop in every photograph…or maybe a burly blue button-down…or a happy pink pea coat. Against the freshness of winter, any color will do!

3. Create Stories

Build a snowman together! Throw snowballs at each other! Cozy up under a blanket! Bring a sled along as a prop! There are lots of ways to connect, create, and capture a story in the wintertime.

4. Hold on to MemoriesRichSam14 (1)

Did he propose under a snowy evergreen or while ice-skating under the stars? Do you want to remember the moment when you cut down your first Christmas tree together? Photographs captured during this special time of year can help you hold on to those memories for a lifetime.

5. Gorgeous Christmas Cards

Seriously. Christmas cards are at Christmastime, which is in the winter, which means winter photos would match to a T. Like a nice cup of Christmas T.

Plus, Christmas cards are traditionally full of fall foliage. Want to try something new? Book a winter session.

Contact Amber Green at amber@ambergreenphotography.com to be added to our  winter session list!

(Family session pricing can be found here on our website.)